Latex care


Latex is a material which needs special care. Especially light-coloured latex is very sensitive and should be handled with extra care.

Latex should never be in contact with greasy substances (such as perfume, body sprays and body oils, body lotions, makeup removers etc.) , because they may affect the material. Only silicon and water based gels and oils are allowed to use. Light-coloured latex shouldn’t stay in contact with other latex colours or come into contact with copper or copper alloys; it acquires brownish stains very easily – and these stains are not removable. White latex may get these stains even if it’s wet and stays in contact with itself.

Dressing and undressing

Before wearing latex take care that there are no greasy substances on your skin. Be careful with sharp objects like jewellery, piercings or long fingernails. To make the dressing easier, please use silicon oil / latex dressing aid or talcum powder on the body.

You should wash and clean the latex after wearing.

Washing and drying

Hand wash your latex garments in lukewarm water with latex washing liquid. After washing rinse them carefully. Wipe off any excess water with a towel and use a thick non-metal coat-hanger (with no sharp edges). Do not place on heater to dry. Do not tumble dry, dry clean or iron in any circumstances. Use talcum before storing.

An alternative option is to put some silicon oil (latex shine) into fresh water after rinsing the garments off the latex wash liquid. Put the garments for a moment into the silicon-oiled water - this makes them immediately shiny. After that hang them to dry.

Especially for light-coloured garments it’s better to use talcum than oil after washing and never forget how sensible these colours are.

On some colours (mostly transparent ones) there may appear some water stains when the garments are still damp. These water stains will disappear when dried up.


Latex garments should be stored in a dark, dry and cool place. Store light-coloured latex garments in a protective foil (when dry), so they won’t get in contact with other latex clothing or materials.

We recommend the beGLOSS latex care products, which are also available in our store in Berlin.